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General stories about our life. Nothing specific.

Belle with shorts on her head

Hope exists, and I need you to know that

We tossed the idea around for well over a year before we finally decided to jump in, and join the blogging world. We had a vision of sharing our story, and a strong desire to help others who may be beginning a similar journey, and give them hope.

As Belle’s dad mentioned in the previous post (Where is all of the autism support?), it is clear that there simply is not enough information available to parents with children on (or potentially on) the autism spectrum. There is also no mention of how we, as parents, might be feeling.

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Belle sitting alone

Where is all of the autism support?

My thought process for this post started out like most of the others: I wanted to think of something adorable that Belle has done that I could mix autism with, and write about it. But that’s easy. In fact, it’s so easy that there are already thousands of blog posts out there that follow that concept. And those stories are great! It’s fun to write about Belle’s personality, and I very much enjoy reading those stories from other parents with children with autism.

But then I started thinking about how we didn’t start this blog to only dote upon Belle (as much as we may want to). It made me wonder what I could write about that would actually be beneficial to her, us, parents of children with autism, and other children with autism. Then I remembered one of the first conversations that Belle’s mom and I had that led to the idea of sharing our story.

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Belle Swinging
Discussion, General

And that makes me angry

Are any other autism moms (or dads) out there as familiar with anger as I am?

My emotions have been all over the board since the beginning of our journey, and, quite frankly, I’m embarrassed to admit how often I feel angry about our situation. Even as I write this, I feel ridiculous! I mean, seriously! Shouldn’t I be focused on the positives here? I have a happy, and healthy little girl. That, in itself, is enough to be grateful for.

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Belle playing in the car
Discussion, General

The importance of education

I wouldn’t change my child for the world, but I would change the world for my child.

So often I see this phrase. The question is, how can we even expect to change the world for our children when our reaction to those who don’t understand is hateful? It’s easy to judge these people, and to assume that they’re jerks, but that might not always be the case. To me, the answer is education.

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Belle's hand with a bowl of almonds

Girls’ Night Out

As a mother to a child with autism, Girls’ Nights are few and far between. Recently, my sister-in-law invited me to a night on the town with a few of her girlfriends. After some convincing on her end, I finally agreed to the evening out. It also happened to be the first time going out with anyone who is unaware of my daughter’s diagnosis. I was a little nervous, to say the least, but I was hopeful to have a good time.

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Belle staring at the sunset

“Eggo,” World

Eggo: not just the name of a delicious, frozen waffle; this is also how Belle says “Hello!”

If you’re wondering whether you’ve happened across an obscure fitness blog, fear not! Running with Belle has very little to do with running (for you, at least), and everything to do with a mother and father raising an adorable little girl named Belle–who just so happens to have autism.

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